Prepararing a marathon project.


I love running marathons, and while I’ve completed several, I always wish I could run more. I treat my marathon training like managing a project—using a flexible, data-driven approach. With a 16-week training plan, I see each week as a new step, much like a Scrum sprint, where I check my progress and make adjustments as needed.

I track important details like my interval times, endurance, and recovery using tools like Strava and Garmin Connect, comparing them to previous training cycles and races like half marathons.

I’ve noticed that many runners stick to their training plans without adjustments, which can lead to burnout by race day. If you’re thinking about running a marathon, don’t make that mistake! Instead, listen to your body and adjust your plan based on how you feel.

Every week, I assess my performance and well-being. If I’m feeling tired or not meeting my goals, I adapt by adding more recovery runs or changing my long runs. When I’m feeling good, I push myself a bit more.

This focus on improvement—regularly checking in and adapting helps to get better and finish strong. As in project management, being flexible and responsive to change is key to success! So listen to your body and adapt your training plan 🏃‍♂️💪

#ProjectManagement #MarathonTraining #ContinuousImprovement

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