Product Prioritization: Prepare a birthday party 🎉

Beyond MoSCoW, ROI, or Cost of Delay product prioritization tools, will talk another day, one fun technique is buy-a-Feature.

When planning a product, the Buy-a-Feature prioritization technique can help teams align on the most valuable. This method assigns a virtual “budget” to stakeholders, who then “buy” the most important features.

Imagine organizing a birthday party! You have €100 to allocate between options like catering (€40), a live band (€60), decorations (€20), and a cake (€30).

Everyone involved can contribute their thoughts by “buying” their favorites with their budget. If the cake gets the most votes, but no one “buys” the live band, you know where to focus your efforts.

This technique fosters collaboration and ensures that resources are spent on what matters most to the stakeholders, creating alignment and building better products (or parties!).

What product prioritization tools do you use?

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